Eliminate your Debt

From an individual’s perspective, one of the greatest obstacles to financial freedom, and one of the greatest financial burdens felt by most households is debt. Most of us need to borrow to purchase a home, and generally a car. Unfortunately, too many of us also borrow to purchase other things such as furniture, electrical appliances,[…]

The Real Cost of Money

Too many people pay too little attention to the effects of inflation. We are lulled into a false sense of security by commentators talking about our current low inflation environment. We forget however, that this years cost increases are added to last years, and so forth. The compounding effect of inflation is very scary over[…]

Have a Plan

In the last edition we discussed that the number one secret to financial success is to spend less than what you earn. It doesn’t matter how much you earn, what level of education you have or what or who you know, it matters what you do. In this edition of Money Matters, we discuss step[…]

Back to Basics – Start here

More than 35 years ago I started talking to people about their financial plans and goals. Broadly speaking, when it comes to matters financial, there are two distinct groups of people – those who are comfortable with money, and achieve their financial goals, and those who always seem to struggle financially. I am not making[…]